

Events *

Talk by Sir Nick Harvey

Thursday, March 7th, 2025

EU/UK relations in light of the Trump-Zelensky meeting

CEO of the European Movement UK, former MP, Minister of State for the Armed Forces (2010-2012).

The discussion will explore Britain’s role in shaping European security and the implications of closer defense cooperation with the EU.



Events *

Fireside Chat with Dr. Annette Weber

Monday, February 24th, 2025

Annette Weber is a German political scientist specialised in Northeast Africa and gender studies. She has been serving as European Union Special Representative (EUSR) for the Horn of Africa since 1 July 2021. Weber previously worked as a journalist, a human rights defender and most recently as the regional expert at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (German: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik; SWP). She is also a novelist.

This event, hosted by the EUSOC, promises a rich discussion on the complexities of international relations.



Events *

Talk by Anthony Teasdale

Thursday, February 20th, 2025

Inside the Brussels System: How do the EU institutions really work - and can and should they be reformed?

Anthony Teasdale, former Director General of the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) (2013-2022), Visiting Professor at LSE & Columbia, and Director of the Europeaum in Oxford.

With over 30 years of experience in the European Parliament and EU Council of Ministers, Teasdale will share his insights on:

  • The strengths & weaknesses of the EU institutons.

  • Their crisis management capabilities.

  • The democratic deficit debate.

  • Whether and how they should be reformed.



Events *

Talk by Klaus Welle and Anthony Teasdale

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

The EUSOC is pleased to announce an engaging talk by Klaus Welle, former Secretary General of the European Parliament (2009-2022) and Anthony Teasdale, former Director-General of the European Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS), as part of its efforts to foster Europeanism.

Klaus Welle, known for his transformative leadership in enhancing the European Parliament’s role, and Anthony Teasdale, with his extensive background as a political advisor and civil servant in both Brussels and London, will share their insights on Europe’s evolving identity and political integration. This event promises to inspire dialogue on the future of Europe and its global role.